While it is important to budget your finances, you can definitely loosen the belt a bit for things that matter. Investing in these might actually help you save money overall.
1. Quality Food/Groceries
You really are what you eat! So don’t feel guilty about spending more money on fresher produce and healthier food items. What you spend on healthy food is a lot less compared to what you might spend in the hospital.
2. Electronics
We use our phones and computers almost on a daily basis. If your work depends on it, opt for the best device that’ll get the job done quickly and efficiently — even if it means a higher price tag. Remember, lower productivity costs money, too!
3. Family Travel
While budget travel has its merits, we recommend loosening up the purse strings a bit for family travel, with parents or kids. It’s like hitting bonding and vacation with one ticket!
4. Self-care
Put yourself first even for just a day or two. Invest money on maintaining your physical and mental health instead of spending it on temporary things to make you feel better when you’re down. Get a personal health plan or wellness center membership if there is wiggle room in your monthly budget.
5. Home Appliance
We’re referring to appliances that you frequently use: cookware (pots and pans) rice cooker, microwave oven, coffee maker, washer/dryer, refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. Splurge a little more on anything that’s used frequently and heavily because you’ll end up spending more on repairs with low-quality appliances.
6. Clothing Staples
Your staples are the following: well-fitted jeans, basic white shirts, button-ups, black pumps (for women), dress shoes (for men), a black dress, a suit, and a casual jacket or blazer.
Go for brands that can stand years of wear and tear. Aside from the fact that fast-fashion produces more waste for the environment, purchasing clothes that can be mixed and matched with other pieces saves you more money in the long run.
Make #TheSmartMove not only with the money you save but also with which you spend.